Monday, August 27, 2018

Discipline and Procedure

Adesthe P. Garcia
Major in Special Education
Holy Angel University
The Effective Teacher by Harry K. Wong:
Discipline and Procedure
PGN-104 Aug. 27, 2018 
School of Education 

Disciplining children is one of the most important yet difficult responsibilities not only for parents but for teachers as well. Children are really hard to teach, we need to remind them always until they learn to do it regularly. Effective and positive discipline is about teaching and guiding children, not just forcing them to obey. To be an effective in terms of disciplining our students we should know how to apply it first to ourselves if we don't know what's right from wrong the tendency is that we won't able to encourage our students to do good things.   

We can teach discipline in different ways. Some teachers are using rewards to motivate students others are punishment. Using rewards such as candies, toys, stars, homework-free weekend etc. also a good idea because you will expect that your students will follow you, but the disadvantage of giving rewards is that children will put in their minds that "I will not obey my teacher unless she will give me something as an exchange" they will expect that there's a reward every you teach them discipline.

Some teachers also used punishment, and based on my observation and experience I can say that it is effective. Students will not disobey whatever rules that you have set inside the classroom because they know they will be punished if they violated those rules. 
As a teacher in the near future, I will not only focus on the academic areas of the child but rather I will focus more on the attitude and behavior. A teacher is effective when she knows how to manage the class not just simply disciplining the children.

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