Saturday, September 22, 2018

Role of a Teacher as a Moral Educator

Adesthe P. Garcia  
Major in Special Education  
Holy Angel University  
Moral Values of a Teacher
PGN-104 September 23, 2018   
School of Education

Teaching is not more of a profession but a  CALLING, where one is given the power to pass not only knowledge but skills and right attitudes as well. Teacher educators must give importance of establishing a respectful and caring relationship with their students. We are teachers, people look up to us and they know that a teacher is a role model for the society, they think that we are very responsible and we always do good things. We carry the word "teacher" not only when we are inside the school but outside as well that's why we need to be careful in whatever we do, we must be sensitive because our chosen profession must possess good character and attitude. 

Related imageMy cooperating teacher is very loving and caring in dealing with her students. She is not the type of teacher who gets mad easily, she has a long patience and she always makes her class very active and manifest enthusiasm. One time when it's their playtime, one of her students is not listening to what she's saying. She asked that student to be careful in playing because he might hit other students but since we know that some children are hard to control and they do not usually obey us especially if they have a disability, that student didn't follow to his teacher and he accidentally hit his classmate. What did the teacher do is that she scolded the child and asked him to just sit in the corner and wait until his other classmates are done playing. My cooperating teacher said that "Ayaw ko niyan siya nakikita, naaawa ako" and I felt that she really have a soft heart for her students, she doesn't want her students to not be involved in whatever activity they do. She wants to see her students happy and having fun with her.

As a special education teacher in the near future, I will do everything that makes people look up to me, I should know what is right and wrong. I will be a role model not only for my students but also for all the people around me. A teacher should be knowledgeable and skilled and that's given, but a teacher who has a big heart and good hands are very rare and i think that kind of teachers is what we need in this generation.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. A teacher must not just have the skills and knowledge but a kind-hearted person as well.
