Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Effective Teacher

Adesthe P. Garcia
Major in Special Education
Holy Angel University
The Effective Teacher by Harry K. Wong
PGN-104 June 1, 2018
School of Education

In the first part of the seminar entitled “The Effective Teacher” discussed by Mr. Harry Wong simply talks about how to become an effective teacher to our students. He clearly gives us strategies and techniques that we may use when we are already in the field of teaching. It is important that we learn how to catch the attention of our students so that they can easily acquire the lesson that we want them to learn. The most interesting part of the seminar is the four stages that Mr. Wong explained and these are the fantasy, survival, mastery, and impact. First the fantasy, this is the stage wherein the newly teacher ask himself what to teach, how to teach, what instructional materials are appropriate for them or should my students learn something from me? The teacher focusing more on the expectation than what is happening in the real world. Second the survival, in this stage the teacher has already planned what to do in the whole week, he just only need to give the task to the students and that’s it until the whole week end, the teacher only think if how he will survive but he didn’t think about his students learning from him. The third stage is the mastery, the teachers already understand their role in the life of their students, and they’re much responsible to do things for them. Lastly is the impact, this is the stage wherein the teacher will be proud to himself especially when they see his students becoming successful in their lives because he knows that he did his part as an effective teacher.
The relevance of this seminar to my personal growth, professional growth, and present course is that as a future special education teacher, I should be more productive in teaching my students especially they are not just the typical students we know but rather they are students with exceptionalities. Those students need extra love and care. I need to be more reflective to myself in terms of teaching them so that I can easily notice if I should think another strategies and techniques in that way I can be able to see if they really learn something from me. This seminar gives me an idea of how to be an effective teacher. It encourages me to do the right thing. Being a teacher is one of the hardest careers because you will deal with different students with different behavior but on the other hand, it is rewarding because you give a huge impact on their lives, we will forever remember because we contribute to their success.
The knowledge that I acquired in this seminar is very useful. Not only the students have differences but the teachers as well. We have our own style in managing the class and in dealing with students. Maybe the way I teach is the best for me but for you, it’s not. I can use the learnings when I am already in the field of teaching. I should be more responsible in everything. Mr. Wong stated three qualities that the teacher should have; good classroom manager, design lesson to reach mastery and has positive expectations that students will be successful. To be an effective teacher we should possess these qualities.
I will share the knowledge/skills that I have learned by simply informing those pre-service teachers that I know they don’t do the right thing isn’t in the seminar the speaker mentioned two terms efficient and effective. Efficient is doing things right while the effective is doing the right thing. I will inform my classmates that we should start doing the right thing while we are still in the last year of our training as a teacher, if we want to help to achieve our student’s success, we must know our responsibility and role of an effective teacher.
“ We are all good teachers but not all are successful” I agreed to what Mr. Harry Wong said. Yes we are all good but the question is, are we successful? As a teacher, we must often ask ourselves if we’re able to achieve our goals for our students. We stand not only as a teacher but also as a second parent, we only want the best for them, let’s give what they really deserve at the end of the day they will be thankful for us because we became part of their success in life.
The only problem that I have encountered during the seminar is that I can't clearly hear some of the words because of speaking too fast. But the good thing is that I am able to understand the message of that seminar. I didn't get bored that time because I like the way he talks, it's like I am watching comedy movie because the speaker is very enthusiastic and also knowledgeable about the topic.