Saturday, September 22, 2018

Role of a Teacher as a Moral Educator

Adesthe P. Garcia  
Major in Special Education  
Holy Angel University  
Moral Values of a Teacher
PGN-104 September 23, 2018   
School of Education

Teaching is not more of a profession but a  CALLING, where one is given the power to pass not only knowledge but skills and right attitudes as well. Teacher educators must give importance of establishing a respectful and caring relationship with their students. We are teachers, people look up to us and they know that a teacher is a role model for the society, they think that we are very responsible and we always do good things. We carry the word "teacher" not only when we are inside the school but outside as well that's why we need to be careful in whatever we do, we must be sensitive because our chosen profession must possess good character and attitude. 

Related imageMy cooperating teacher is very loving and caring in dealing with her students. She is not the type of teacher who gets mad easily, she has a long patience and she always makes her class very active and manifest enthusiasm. One time when it's their playtime, one of her students is not listening to what she's saying. She asked that student to be careful in playing because he might hit other students but since we know that some children are hard to control and they do not usually obey us especially if they have a disability, that student didn't follow to his teacher and he accidentally hit his classmate. What did the teacher do is that she scolded the child and asked him to just sit in the corner and wait until his other classmates are done playing. My cooperating teacher said that "Ayaw ko niyan siya nakikita, naaawa ako" and I felt that she really have a soft heart for her students, she doesn't want her students to not be involved in whatever activity they do. She wants to see her students happy and having fun with her.

As a special education teacher in the near future, I will do everything that makes people look up to me, I should know what is right and wrong. I will be a role model not only for my students but also for all the people around me. A teacher should be knowledgeable and skilled and that's given, but a teacher who has a big heart and good hands are very rare and i think that kind of teachers is what we need in this generation.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Teacher as a Progressivist

 Adesthe P. Garcia  
Major in Special Education  
Holy Angel University  
PGN-104 September 6, 2018   
School of Education

Image result for philosophy in education The philosophy of education involves teachers thinking through why they teach, how they teach, why they teach, and the way they do. Knowing our philosophy in teaching, teachers will know what they will be prioritize or where area they will focus more.

I was able to talk and ask teacher Ella about her philosophy in education, she believes that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content, she told me that since the class that she is currently handling is in pre-school, she really focused on the activities that she is providing for them. After she discusses the lesson she will immediately give each student an activity that they will do to make sure if the students are really learning. During her actual teaching, one of the lessons that I observed is presenting nutritious food like vegetable and fruits, they made buko pandan, an activity for the celebration of Nutrition Month held last July. Teacher Ella first introduced the ingredients that will be needed next she teaches students the step-by-step on how to do it. While she's doing it, she let the students put the ingredients without her assistance and they are also the one who mixed it. 
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There are a lot of activities that can help those students to be productive. Based on the answer of teacher Ella, I can say that she is the type of teacher who is progressivist because she let her students apply their learnings in real-life. If you want to know if your students learn something from you, you let them do it by themselves. In the 21st century, we know that students learn best when they do it. We should prepare more activities that they will not only learn but they will also enjoy it. Effective teachers provide experiences so that students can learn by doing.

Promoting Child's Right in Hand Prints School of Progressive Education

Adesthe P. Garcia
Major in Special Education
Holy Angel University
Promoting Child's Right in Hand Prints School of Progressive Education
PGN-104 September 6, 2018 
School of Education


I am currently observing in HPSPE under pre-school. There are ten students in the class, some have a problem with the way they behave in the class others were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and there are regular students as well. Since they are in kindergarten, they don't have a specific subject, teacher Ella focuses more on the hands-on or gross and fine motors activities like coloring objects, tracing letters, doing an art, singing an educational song, dancing, and also playing.

Children really love to play, as the students enter the classroom early in the morning the first thing that they will do is to get their favorite toys and play. Teacher Ella is giving the students a time to play, students learn and process emotions through play and they are being relaxed and happy and that's a good strategy to start the day and focus the student's mood before they will do some other educational tasks. Since they are in inclusive class, teacher Ella promotes fairness, she doesn't have favorites among her students and also she's not judging her students about their differences. She gave the same treatment and giving all the best for her students.

We are not perfect we all commit mistakes. I have observed that students are not being punished whenever they made mistakes, teacher Ella is trying to be patient all the time and respectfully encouraged students to become more self-disciplined instead. When it comes to personal necessities, they also allow students to go to the toilet when needed and they also give time for eating and drinking that's why the school also provides water dispenser.

Those are the child's right that I had observed, they are all important because as a teacher, we should be providing for the needs of our students. I have learned a lot when it comes in dealing with diverse students, I will apply all the learnings in the near future because I also want to give the best and the rights of each student.